Talent Management

`Delivery of consistent, near perfect performance`

Application of talent management is about understanding that you are working with people who are above average. The important question you should ask is `what does average look like?`

We profile roles accurately for you and measure individuals against these. This provides a filter through which candidates must pass and enables your business to manage the risk of recruiting. The information gathered at assessment stage is carried forward when the new hire joins and forms the basis of performance management. This translates into early commitment and motivation because everyone knows where they stand and how to achieve high performance. By following this approach you will be engineering strong psychological contracts.

Making change happen through strong talent management

• Accurately map the 'talent geography' of the organisation: job families, role profiles,
   competency frameworks.

• Establish credibility of the selection programme by making sure that the relevant
   business managers are involved - both at the design and the delivery stage. We are often
   asked to provide assessors, assessor training and selection method evaluation.

• Management of risk by creating an assessment process which profiles the `whole    person`: technical competence, behavioural competence, emotional intelligence,
   personality, aptitude, motivation and cultural fit.

• Increase Organisational performance by creating a system of continuous improvement
   within your talent management process. This will inevitably include: technical
   job analysis, training and ongoing support, harmonization of performance management
   framework with IT systems and processes.

Executive Talent